Style, Beauty Kelsey Jones Style, Beauty Kelsey Jones

Products I Love From Birchbox + Sephora Play!

Subscription boxes may have passed the peak of their craze, but I loved them to find new products, try new trends and even get some of my favorite products in travel size. I've subscribed to Birchbox since probably 2014 and Sephora Play! since it first came out. Many of the products are honestly just sitting in my drawers, but some of them are new holy grail products that have introduced themselves into my daily skincare and makeup routines. Instead of committing to years of product exploration, here are all of the best finds! 

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Wellness Kelsey Jones Wellness Kelsey Jones

How I Cleared Up My Skin (for Good!)

I've had challenges with my skin since middle school. Whether it was acne, oil or texture issues, it seemed like there was always something keeping me from a clear completion. In today's post, I want to walk you through how I've treated my acne and the current product I'm using to maintain clear skin.

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